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Milk My Kuku
Kuku is your soul.

Sheng Ge
My Friendster
Vincent Low

Kuku's ad.

Kuku's Plurk.


Kuku's talking.

Kuku's singing.

Kuku's exits.


★Alex Tan★
★Brian the Bitch★
♥ Carol
♥ Cassandra
★Chee kiat★
♥ Clarissa
♥ Coco
♥ Duatao
★Pei Jun★
★Yu Ting★

my Kuku days.

July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
Blue Jaffa Pictures, Images and PhotosHead Explodes Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Went Kuku's birthday BBQ yesterday =]
Kuku Jon. Not me .
Got super duper drunk that papa got to come fetch me home at 4 in the morning.
East coast leh! Freaking far uh!
Thanks Papa,mama.

Got home and vomitted blood.

Surprisingly, im not swelling =]
I drank quite abit of martell and my face didnt swell.
AMAZING or what.
But having fever now lol.
Bye bye swelling,Hello fever!
I think im weird because i swell when i drink martell.

Got to book in already :'[
Got to serve my extras.

Will post the pics and videos up when i got them from Leok.

Things are finally changing for the better.
God please dont take it away from me.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos4:15 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey. Booking in in 40 mins time. SIAN!
HAha.Met up with Huiting earlier for KFC =]
This girl we met in kfc was so cute. LOL.
Cute as in not good looking,but her actions.
Got a free Chicky meal watch thingy.
Paid for the Whipped potato i didnt order. >.>

Got my tatto already =]
Daddy's name on my right and Muumy's on my right =]
This shows hw much i love them =]
Will get my grandma's and sis's when im allowed to.
What to do?

ADI Dee Dee.
Im leaving my house in 20 mins so don nag already.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos3:48 AM

Sunday, January 3, 2010

10 days of leave sure ended fast.Super fast.
Booking in an around an hour and a half time.
Dont know when i'll get to book out again ?
Still got tons of confinement and extras to clear.
Sian la. Seriously buay tahan. ZZZ

Countdown with Mama and carol at Clarke quay =]
Had a blast. Dad and sis had their own event.
Was walking around letting people take photos of us.
LOL. Sounds weird? Im serious my dearS.
That guy even gave us his namecard?

No more thing i wana say liao.
So will update again when i can?
Hopefully next week lol.

Dennis,Ure missed =]
Freaking fly back to singapore eh!
We still haven kill zombies together yet.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos3:24 AM

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Mummy and her Ex classmate.

Elaine Low.Yi Li Rou.

The Ultimate Duo.

Let it rock, let it rock.

Merry belated christmas everyone!!
Im here to blog because i felt like blogging.
There isnt really anything i wanted to blog.
So gona say wats been processing in my brain nw eh.

The "Wonder"
Whos the guy fixing day when day breaks,
and fixing night when night falls?
Was it Santa?
Or was it Lady Gaga?
I think its the Uncle selling Chicken rice at the coffee shop.
Face it.
It makes the most sense.
i think.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos12:19 AM

Friday, December 18, 2009

Happy birthday to Grandma and Uncle Lee!! WEE =]
Attend 2 birthday parties yesterday.
Fun fun fun and fun =]

Woke up in the morning and went Cass's house =]
Shopped for presents and stuff.
After that,Went to Ah ma's house for her birthday party =]
Partying = get to drink.
Get to drink=high.
Uncle brought vodka.
Drank abit.
Was playing majong...SO had to concentrade.
After the cutting of cakes, headed to pasir ris with cassandra for a friend's chalet.
Drank a tiny bit of beer and Chivas.
Played blackjack.
Lose $$.
Then cabbed home.
Bloody 30 bucks on cab.
Ate mac with cass before she heads home.
Shes too tired to join me and jeremy for zombie killing.
Weak pussy.

Gosh i think im getting freaking weird?
I don feel like myself when im blogging?
Guan ying ma !
Faster tell me why?
I doubt u guys knw why either?
I probably needs answers frm Psychaitrist,not god.
Gotta be more pratical.

And ya.im not making any sense =]

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos7:25 PM

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Haha. Yayness! Im back =]
Blog seriously dead for over a month already?
Cant really blame me for having such packed schedule ma.
Here i am blogging anyway >.>

Had been staying awake till morning to kill zombies at Lan for the past weeks.
No choice. Had to do my part to save the world.
Travelled in a 4 man cell..
Together with Huiting,Giwah and some unknown guy,
Depending on who decided to join us that day.
Zombie slaying was fun?
Except for all the goos goos , all the head falling and blood spilling all over.
Aint that kind of violent violent person. Literally.
L4d 2 = total yayness =]
Over gaming makes me go gaa gaa.

Training in camp was getting more and more tiring :'[
Sadly, i gotta endure it for another year and a half.
I got to like save the world on weekends?
And freaking protect singapore on weekdays.

Sasa held her wedding last sunday.
Best part was i didnt get to go. YAY!!
Sunday = book in day.
Bet that had hell lots of fun.

Bad stuff happens to be bloody often.
Good thing mummy raised me to be a STRONG BOY.
Thanks mummy.
But mummy?
I aint the demonic boy u expect me to be.
Im an angel with super chio Bling Bling wings that brings salvation to the world.
(This is where everyone starts singing,SALLLL-VAYYY-SHEEE-ENNN )

Caught Twilight with Teng and Giwah already =]
YAY YAY........YEA =] =]
But throughout the movie, 70% of the time im getting pissed.
Theres a tiny version of little india behind me uh.
Freaking bangalas.
He leaned his legs on my chair? which i don really mind if he would to stop shaking.
Not really shaking, but more like rubbing his legs against the chair.
I let him know im freaking uncomfortable by turning around and make that *chert* sound.
Not long after, the second wave of attack came.
This time, i turn over and look at him.
"sore ree sore ree" He said.
I tahan-ed for quite a while cause the movie is going into the exciting part.
The number six or seven attack triggered my "Pissed off" mode.
I turn around and not really scold, but asking him to stop in kinda rude way with all the vulgarity.
By that time, the movie ended.
Giwah was like shhh shhh all the way la.
Cause im too loud? I think.
I enjoyed the movie anyway.

Im a strong boy.
Im a sexy boy.
Im a smoker boy.
Im a Ns boy.
Im a mommy's boy.
Im Vincent low yi en.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos12:21 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009

2 out of 3 days drunk.
Worst part of all i didnt really drink alot :'[
Must be due to all the 'ta-ing'

Among my -got drunk history- , Yesterday's was the most scary uh!
I got drunk and i left the disco alone while my friends are all up there....
Then then then someone called i forgot who, and i chatted while vommiting.
Then then then huiting went down to look for me and she thought i looked normal and went up.
Then then then i forgot what happen in between? they came down the second time and asked me to go back in and i refused.
Then then then they say they're going up to get our stuffs to head home.
I didnt know exactly how long they went up, but it definetly felt like they went for donkey years la!
I was lying on the table.Im still awake, but i cant really move..
I felt people either touching me or trying to take my phone..
I pushed them away or something like that la.. cant really remember.
Luckily Fido went down to look for me..He gotta work so he went up to get my friends.
Bloody hell. They were dancing and chatting away.

That experience really scared the hell out of me la.
I felt so alone and helpless.
I think if someone would to rob or rape me i also cannot do anything uh!
So wont be drinking for quite some time now.

Oh and ps to giwah and angela for hitting u guys when im drunk.
Drunk ma. cannot tahan wan.
And thanks for sending me home.

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos12:11 AM

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Vincent's Tornado Torpedo Toapayoh KICK I Agree Smiley Pictures, Images and Photos5:05 AM